2022-08-21 - This is a new feature - feedback welcome!
This generator creates a repeater list like it is required to use the Repeater Monitor feature of IC9700.
Base of the list is the recent sample provided on the Icom download page, but updated with ircddb.net-hostnames for all gateways which are connected to the global ircDDB network.
The file has to be copied to the SD card which is plugged into the transceiver and loaded like described in the Icom documentation.
Please note: the original filename from Icom is "RptMoni_sample.csv", the filename that you get from this server is "RptMoni_ircddb.csv" to reflect that it is a different version.
You can copy both files to the SD card and select from the transceiver's menu which one to load.
Adresses of repeaters which are not registered at ircDDB.net are kept untouched, nothing gets changed or removed.
Only registered gateways which have the ircDDB-dynDNS feature enabled at the registration server get the IP addresses replaced by the known DNS hostname.
This helps in cases where gateways get a dynamic IP address from the internet provider like it is usual in Germany and several other countries.
In these cases the IP addresses in the sample file from Icom are usually outdated and cannot be used.
Also 45 active ircddb repeaters have been added to the Icom list, they were missing.
Please note:
If a gateway is listed it does not necessarily mean that the Icom Repeater Monitor feature works.
The local sysop has to configure the required port forwarding and firewall settings at the gateway to enable it and you need to make sure that your transceiver can connect out to the internet!
Download Repeater Monitor list in CSV-format here: RptMoni_ircddb.csv
This list gets regular updates automatically with new ircDDB registrations.
This generator creates a complete channel list of all ircDDB REPEATERS in XML format.
Note that a Repeater may not necessarily have an own Gateway.
The format may be useful for import in other software.
The generator accepts the optional parameter ?ctry= followed by a 3-digit ISO country code
Download complete list of ircDDB-Gateways in XML-format here: https://status.ircddb.net/rptr-xml.php
Sample call for German gateways only: https://status.ircddb.net/rptr-xml.php?ctry=DEU
A complete list in zipped form is available for download here: https://status.ircddb.net/rptr-xml.zip.
Download complete list of ircDDB-Gateways in XML-format here: https://status.ircddb.net/dstar-xml.php
Sample call for German gateways only: https://status.ircddb.net/dstar-xml.php?ctry=DEU
This generator creates a complete list of registered ircDDB gateways in JSON format.
The format may be useful for import in other software.
Download complete list of ircDDB-Gateways in JSON-format here: https://status.ircddb.net/ircddbgw.json
or in zipped form here: https://status.ircddb.net/ircddbgw-json.zip
Rev.: 20230821
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